Food Review - Fried Noodle from Taipan Restaurant rating : 9/10

Helloo Tummers..
I'm having this simple yet delicious fried noodle from @taipanrestaurant for snack before dinner.

The noodle is stir fried with garlic, shallot, bean sprouts, green onion and topped with crispy shallot.
It may sound simple but when you take a bite, there's flavour explosion.

The noodle is cooked to perfection.
It's salty, sweet, light and bright.
Really delicious.
And this is enough to share for 2-3 people.

I highly recommend you guys to try this out.
And it's perfect for birthday celebration.

#fattummyid #fattummylocal #fattummyasian


Taipan Restaurant
Capital Building Lantai 1, Jalan Putri Hijau No.1A, Kesawan, Medan Barat, Kesawan, Medan Bar., Kota Medan, Sulawesi Utara 20111
☎ (061) 4556333
Open : 11.15am - 2.15pm, 6.15pm - 9.15pm


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